Tuesday, September 14, 2010


Xin Chao, Cac Ban! Vietnam is as beautiful as ever and is obviuosly
just getting more and more exciting. I have a couple of interesting
things for you to hear about this time, but I will try to keep it
short, light and entertaining. But since I want you to read my whole
blog entry (keeping it short remember), I will leave updates on Can
Tho Roadkill and major updates on my (amazing) hostfamily until one of
the coming posts.

At this very moment of typing, my hostmom just brought me some cake.
Amazing!! I could get used to this kind of treatment. You ask what
kind of treatment, well you will just have to keep checking my blog to
find out.

Anyway, moving forward, today was our first day of our first
excursion. It was incredible. We had lecture for the first part of the
morning and then lunch, followed by a half our rest period (nap
anyone?!?) and then an amazing time looking at 3 different farm
systems. We went to a small village just outside Can Tho called My
Khanh. Now, when I say village, it was very different than what you
are probably imagining in your head. If your thinking about something
like Lafayette, MN, you're not imaging correctly. Basically, it is a
bunch of houses following the river and making a long row. The river
was the main form of transportation up until 2 years ago when they got
this tiny little snake like road that is about 2-3 people wide.

1 comment:

  1. The title of this blog post is deceiving! Where are the puppies?
